What does Pop 1 mean?
What does ‘Pop 1’ mean – Definition – The Sports Card Glossary

In sports cards, Pop 1 is short for "Population of 1". It describes the number of graded examples that exist for that particular card. So, a Pop 1 card is…

What does PC mean?
What does ‘PC’ mean – Definition – The Sports Card Glossary

In sports cards, PC means 'Personal Collection'. You will often hear card collectors say, "I PC Ken Griffey Jr. and Bo Jackson." But just as commonly, you might hear, "I…

What Are Comps in Sports Cards
What are ‘Comps’ in Sports Cards – Definition – The Sports Card Glossary

The term comps, short for comparables, refers to using metrics and other factors to determine the valuation of an item. In real estate, comps might be previously sold homes of…

What Does Case Hit Mean
What does ‘Case Hit’ mean – Definition – The Sports Card Glossary

A 'Case Hit' is a card collecting term referring to a rare sports card found once per sealed case of sports cards. Case hits are often flashier parallels and/or inserts…

What is a sports card break
What is a ‘Break’ – Definition – The Sports Card Glossary

One phenomenon that has gained a lot of traction in The Hobby since about 2020 (during The Pandemic) are "breaks". Breaks are a card buying format where, rather than buying…

What Does FOTL Mean
What does ‘FOTL’ mean – Definition – The Sports Card Glossary

FOTL stands for First Off The Line and refers to the small percentage of Panini cards that are delivered early to collectors when they purchase products directly from the Panini…

What Does RPA Mean
What does ‘RPA’ mean – Definition – The Sports Card Glossary

RPA stands for "Rookie Patch Autograph". RPA sports cards are arguably the most coveted class of modern sports cards in production today. Rookie Patch Auto (RPA) sports cards are rookie…

What does PWE mean
What does ‘PWE’ mean – Definition – The Sports Card Glossary

PWE stands for Plain White Envelope. It’s an abbreviation that is used often within the card collecting community on Twitter, Facebook, IG, etc., when referencing how a trading card will…

What Does BMWT Mean
What does ‘BMWT’ mean – Definition – The Sports Card Glossary

BMWT stands for Bubble Mailer With Tracking. It's an abbreviation that is used often within the card collecting community on Twitter, Facebook, IG, etc., when referencing how a trading card…

What are raw sports cards
What are ‘Raw’ cards – Definition – The Sports Card Glossary

The hobby usage of 'raw' must be one of the strangest examples of sports card jargon to outsiders. Raw sports cards aren't uncooked sports cards. You don't cook raw sports…