In the world of card collecting, a razz is a sports card raffle. In a razz, the organizer will offer up a sports card as the prize to be won, then collect entries from razz participants, usually for a set dollar fee per entry spot. Once all “spots” are filled, the organizer will run the raffle and randomly select a winner.
How do you run a razz?
There are many ways in which organizers can vary how a razz runs, but here’s a breakdown for a fictional example:
Imagine the organizer has a $100 sports card that they’d like to offer up as the prize for the razz. The organizer might open up 10 entry spots at $10 a spot. (10 x $10 = $100, equivalent to the value of the card.)
The organizer will solicit participants via social media channels like Twitter/X, Facebook Groups, Discord, etc. Participants will send payment for each spot they take, usually through Paypal, CashApp or Venmo. Usually, participants can buy multiple spots.
Once all spots are filled, then the organizer will start the razz.
The premise of a razz is that the raffle winner is chosen at random. So, one of many different online randomization tools is usually used. Commonly used are List Randomizers, Spin Wheel Randomizers, and Horse Race Randomizers.
The organizer will input the participants into the randomizer tool, run the randomizer and select a winner.
- There can be multiple rounds of razzes held, until a final winner is selected. For example, there is the idea of micro razzes, mini razzes and razzes. The winner of the micro razz will receive a spot in the mini razz. The winner of the mini razz will receive a spot in the main razz. Organizers may use some strategy to offer participants entry into their razz at different price points, depending if they’re buying a spot into a micro razz, mini razz or the main razz.
- There can be multiple prizes offered, with the winner selecting a prize of their choice.
- The razz can be done in elimination style, where randomly selected participants are eliminated one by one until one final participant is left. This last spot will take home the prize.
Are Razzes Scams?
Buyer beware. Scams are common. More common though is price gouging on the part of the organizer, where the entry fees collected for a razz are much higher than the value of the sports card offered as a prize.
If you choose to participate in razzes, be careful whom you trust.
Are Razzes Illegal?
The legality of razzes is murky. Holding razzes on social media platforms is generally against policy, which should tell you something. Whether it’s outright illegal is beyond my limited knowledge as a sports card collector. Personally, I do not participate in razzes entirely.